by Jacqueline Michele Ridley
HOW TO DELIVER MAGICAL CUSTOMER SERVICE DURING THE HOLIDAY SEASON IN A PANDEMIC Customer Service During Pandemic Customer service during the holidays stress levels The holiday season is upon us! The best time of year even during a pandemic. Each of us have our...
by Jacqueline Michele Ridley
Take Back Control of Your Time: Reduce Stress and Increase Productivity How important is it for you to control your time? How often do you find yourself spread too thin? It can happen without you even knowing it. You start a project and get distracted...
by Jacqueline Michele Ridley
Convenient Customer Service: Mastered by Amazon In the chart-topping song Run the World (Girls) sung by Beyoncé , she chants Who Run the World? and received a resounding response of “GIRLS” which was repeated around the world. And let me just add, with complete...
by Jacqueline Michele Ridley
Ready to raise the bar on your business knowledge? These Top 10 Customer Service and Branding books will elevate your standards on how to build your business. This post may contain affiliate links. Please read the disclosure and affiliate disclaimer for...
by Jacqueline Michele Ridley
8 Essential Resources for Entrepreneurs The small business owners essential list for a start-up business (and existing businesses too). Let’s make sure you are starting your business properly by accessing web resources that will benefit your growth. Entrepreneurs, we...
by Jacqueline Michele Ridley
Customer service is not for the faint of heart nor is it to be swept under the carpet in your business strategy planning. Master customer service and profit in every area of your business. Whether you are a seasoned customer service executive or newly hired...